Sunday, May 31, 2009


Just wanted to post a few pictures and give a quick update. Payson is doing great. Our days are definitely easier than our nights, but that's ok. We are still learning what Payson likes and doesn't like. My milk finally came in today, so I hope a dirty diaper is on the way. I feel pretty good as long as I stay on top of my pain killers. I even have moments where I don't feel like I had major surgery at all. Tomorrow we take Payson for his first visit to the doctor and I want to find out what I can do about his gas. Sometimes he is in so much pain that he won't nurse. So far motherhood has been one worry after another. Anyway, enjoy the pictures.

*Sound asleep in his boppy* *Eyes wide open*

*Paul & Payson in bed*

*Grandpa Tom & Grandma Dawn*


Ann said...

Awww, I love these pictures! I love his eyes!

Sheridan said...

Awwwe I absolutely love the pic of him sleeping on Paul!
Soooo adorable =]

Anonymous said...

I remember the pain after my c-section with the twins.... holy shit that sucked! Staying on top of the pain with your meds will help a lot, so great job there momma! Hang in there... I am proud of you!