Sunday, June 26, 2011

One Day At A Time...

This past week has been pretty low key. Other than going to the chiropractor or having a play date, we haven't been going out too much. The hot weather, combined with my huge belly make it a lot of work to take the boys out by myself. On Wednesday, my midwife's assistant came by to make sure all of my birth supplies are ready to go. On Thursday, I finally made my laborade, so I can officially say that we are ready for labor and Irelyn's arrival. On Friday, a lady from the moving company came by to look at our belongings so the packing guys bring the right supplies. Finally, on Saturday, we went down to the town of Occoquan, VA. for Riverfest and took the boys on a boat ride on the river. It's weird to think that very soon we will be a party of FIVE!

*Going for a walk in our neighborhood.*
*Beckett trying to keep
up with Payson.*
*My little walking man!*
*Petting someone's dog. They
LOVE dogs. I can't wait until
we can have one again.*
*All Payson wanted to do was
sit and talk to the dog. And yes,
the dog only has 3 legs.*
*This is how I found Payson
while I was busy in the
kitchen...stealing food and
making himself comfortable.*
*Daddy and the boys on the boat.*
*This is as good as our family
pictures get lately. Oh well...*
*Running around looking
at the geese.*
*Payson really enjoys watching animals.*
*From today....the boys in van
on the way to get lunch.*
*This is the house we might live in for our temporary house in New York, unless they show us something else we like. It's on one acre and has a huge backyard that is on Lake Champlain.*

1 comment:

Meghan PS said...

I love that house on the lake! Make sure you have door alarms though.