Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas 2011...

This year Christmas was fun, exciting and exhausting. Leading up to the big day, all three of the babies had a cold and Irelyn had her first ear infection. Paul's parents flew in from Columbus on Christmas Eve and the boys were super excited to see them. They stayed with us from Saturday to Wednesday and while they were here, we showed them the property of our future home (it's still not started....long story) and we showed them around the Plattsburgh area. Once again, our babies were spoiled with presents from everyone in our families. We hope all of our family and friends had a great Christmas and we wish we could have spent the holiday with my family in California too.

Paul reading "The Night Before Christmas"
to the kids on Christmas Eve. Our family tradition.
We had to us Grandma's iPad because
our book is packed away.
Everything set up and ready to go for Christmas morning.
The boys coming down the
stairs on Christmas morning.
The boys slept in their matching pajamas
from Auntie Ann & Uncle Daniel.
They went straight for their new work bench.

Beckett LOVES his Grandpa Tom.
Beckett opening his stocking.

Payson noticing that Santa ate the
brownies and milk that we left for him.
Grandma Dawn helping Irelyn
open her stocking.

Payson opening a present
from Auntie Alison in Chicago.

Payson opening the big gift from Grandma
Dawn and Grandpa Tom....a VTech Innotab.
Grandma Sheri got the boys the Vtech
camera and a game to go along with it.
Grandpa Tom opening his picture mug.
Grandma Dawn got one too. It is for
their new Keurig brewer.
Paul helped Irelyn open her gifts after her morning nap.

Our three babies on Christmas!!!

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