Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hockey Game...

On Saturday night we were very excited to take Payson to his second Coyotes hockey game. We definitely stood out by wearing the visiting teams jersey, but Payson looked so cute in his jersey that people didn't seem to mind. During warm-ups, Payson received another puck from the same player that gave him one at his first game! We were also lucky enough to get a good deal on tickets to a suite. It was so nice to have a private bathroom and plenty of space to take care of Payson. He was such a good boy the whole night considering he was up well past his bed time and after being awake for six straight hours he finally passed out on the metro sitting straight up.
*Riding the metro train before the game.*
*Waiting for warm-ups to begin.*
*Relaxing on Daddy.*
*Watching our team warm-up.*
*In our suite.. This time we were prepared with ear protection for Payson.*

P.S. Thank you for all of your opinions on which photo to submit for Regis & Kelly's Beautiful Baby Contest. We ultimately went with picture #2 because it showed off Payson's personality best. Wish us luck!!!


Sheridan said...

Awwwe,You guys are sucha cute little fam.It makes me wanna cry sometimes haha.Payson looks uber cute,especially in the hockey sweater I got him =).And you look freaking gorgeous Lindsey!

Meghan PS said...

ahhh so cute. I can't believe he wore the earplug things!