Monday, April 25, 2011
Beckett's Party, Easter and Saying Goodbye...
Beckett's 1st Birthday...
Last Friday was Beckett's 1st birthday and I was so excited. The night before, I had decorated the whole house and, in the morning, he LOVED all the balloons and streamers hanging up. During the afternoon, Paul's parents, my Mom and sister all arrived in town for the birthday weekend. The boys were super excited to see them and loved getting so much attention. After our spaghetti dinner, we sang 'happy birthday' and let Beckett eat a mini cupcake. Overall, it was a great first birthday celebration.
In honor of Beckett's birthday I am updating everyone on what he is up to:
He still LOVES to scream.
He took his first steps last Monday.
He is the most thirsty baby I know.
He is the biggest Mama's boy.
He can say: Mama, Dada, Elmo, nigh-nigh and moon.
He eats more food than Payson.
He still sleeps through the night without a peep.
He gets so excited when Daddy comes home.
He loves to climb the stairs.
He can blow kisses.
He has no clue a new baby is coming.
He loves to dance.
He can sign: more, milk and all done.
He still has the cutest smile ever.
He loves to splash in the bath.
He is starting to fight back when Payson takes a toy from him.
He has started hitting me.
He has six teeth.
He loves to point at things.
Here are pictures from Beckett's birthday last friday...